Friday 25 April 2014

Becoming a Winter Soldier for God

I guess it's only fair that I let you know from the beginning: This blog has next to nothing to do with the second Captain America film. Or the character from the comics, animated shows or whatever other media it appears in.

I fully believe that what I intend to write about has been put on my heart for a reason, and hopefully by getting them down in writing I'll be able to understand it better. And who knows? It might even speak to whoever reads them as well.

The title of this particular post is one that I feel is the baseline for all the other posts I intend to write: Becoming a 'Winter Soldier'. The phrase was used in a court case in America shortly after the Vietnam war investigating war crimes committed by soldiers in the conflict. It was a play on a phrase by Thomas Paine, which described 'summertime' soldiers who joined the revolutionary war in America and quit because the going got rough. The idea of a Winter Soldier is a soldier who does the opposite - one who fights the good fight, and sticks with their cause even in the worst of circumstances.

And that's what I want to be. I've grown up with so many people of strong faith and firm belief in the Gospel, and have been practically raised on stories of people who went through suffering for the glory of God's name. And the whole time I've thought: 'Whoa. I really don't know if I could do that.'

But then I heard the phrase 'Winter Soldier', and learned what it meant (and yes, I learned it from a podcast about Captain America: The Winter Soldier. You happy?). And something about the idea just resonated within me, a sensation that I'd felt when I had prophetic words for others.

Eventually, it clicked that it wasn't a description or word of encouragement for someone I knew, but a bar that had been set for me. I was to become a Winter Soldier.

I suppose that's ultimately what this blog is for. I'm relaying my journey to becoming the Winter Soldier that God's called me to be. That starts with me explaining what began this process I intend to go through - which I hope I have done.

I can't yet claim that I've reached that goal yet. I don't even know if I ever will - this is just another step in my relationship with God, and that's something I hope to keep moving and developing until the day I die. I doubt that at any point I'll be able to look at myself and say: "Yep. I'm there. I can stop now.' I never actually want to look at myself and say that.

I'm not saying that I have a low opinion of myself. God has made me perfect through the blood of His Son, and I'm under no illusions that I can in any way earn my way to perfection. But I know that God always has more in store for me until the day He calls me to His side, and there's always going to be room in my life for more of Him. That's what I want to keep up, a desire to hear more from Him and to be more like Him.

Soldiers tend to have a mission statement.There's something Paul, arguably the ultimate Winter Soldier for the Gospel of Christ, said to Timothy in one of his letters. I feel it sums up what I believe God has made my own mission statement: 'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.' (2 Timothy 4:7)

As a Winter Soldier for my Father and Lord, that's what I intend to do: I will fight the good fight, I will finish the race, I will keep the faith.

This blog is here to remind me of that, and to provide a point of reference if I ever forget what led me to where I need to go.

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